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Россия изгнана из ПАСЕ

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Что рашистским пропагандистам не понятно из 96 пункта "if Russia wished to be a member of the Council of Europe, it should submit a new application and show its commitment to democracy, human rights and the rule of law"?— Ukrwikicolo (обс.) 22:34, 15 марта 2022 (UTC) Россия не изгнана из ПАСЕ, а сама вышла[ответить]

Члены ПАСЕ назначаются парламентами государств-членов. Пять наиболее крупных государств, исключая Россию. Почему? В таком случае нет ни какого смысла и работать с этой организацией для России. Совет Европы ну и пусть совещаются, Нам то что. -- 18:06, 29 января 2015 (UTC)[ответить]

2017: решение России — одного из основных плательщиков — приостановить уплату части взноса в бюджет СЕ за 2017 год до восстановления в полном объеме полномочий национальной делегации. [1]

Статья сильно устарела 20:59, 23 января 2023 (UTC)[ответить]


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25/02/2022 - The decision to suspend Russia was taken today by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers following an exchange of views with Assembly members at a meeting of the Joint Committee convened by PACE President Tiny Kox. The Joint Committee brings together both government representatives and parliamentarians from the Council of Europe.Surprizi (обс.) 10:49, 27 февраля 2022 (UTC)[ответить]

[https://pace.coe.int/en/news/8640/pace-president-on-russia-s-exclusion-from-the-council-of-europe-sad-but-necessary- 16/03/2022 Tiny Kox, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), has welcomed the decision of the Committee of Ministers to exclude the Russian Federation from the organisation as of today. The decision comes as an immediate reaction to the Opinion unanimously adopted by the Assembly yesterday (15 March 2022) during an extraordinary plenary session, which stated that “the Russian Federation has committed grave violations of the Council of Europe Statute and, therefore, can no longer be a member State of this organisation”.

“It is sad that we have to expel a country after 26 years of membership,” said Mr Kox. “But it was necessary, and I am glad we dared to do so. PACE remains on the side of the victims of this unprovoked war of aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and all our thoughts are now with the Ukrainian people.”

The PACE President also thanked the Committee of Ministers and the Secretary General for the effective co-operation which made today’s decision possible.

Finally, the President deplored that Russian citizens will now lose the protection of the European Convention on Human Rights. He stressed that the Council of Europe should continue to engage with human rights defenders, democratic forces, free media and independent civil society in Russia.]— Surprizi (обс.) 08:02, 17 марта 2022 (UTC)[ответить]